SAVANNAH, GA., (October 1,2015)– Hagerty Jet Group, the Gulfstream® Experts, announced today the inaugural edition of its Gulfstream Quarterly Market Update- A quarterly digital publication designed to be a resource of market intelligence for Gulfstream owners, operators, and potential buyers to help them make objective decisions when engaging the pre-owned market.
“The Gulfstream Quarterly Market Update is an indispensable resource for current and potential owner/operators. By combining sophisticated analysis and expert commentary we have developed an essential resource for principals or Flight Department to utilize to gain clarity and truly understand the markets.” said Hagerty Jet Group Market Analyst Andrew Steward.
The first edition of the Gulfstream Quarterly Market Update will cover the G650, G550, G450, Gulfstream V, and Gulfstream IV-SP models. Future editions will incorporate the G150, G200, and G280 models.
For more information and to subscribe and download the Gulfstream Quarterly Market Update please visit